Sewer Customer Accounts

Coupon Book are sent out at the end of November.  Please contact Tiffany Smith at 726-2159 if you did not receive a book or if you have had any name or address changes. 

The monthly sewer obligation is $46.00.  Please make sure that you are making the correct payment to avoid being charged a late fee for your account not being paid in full. Any account with a balance on the 21st day of each month, will receive a $10 late fee. 

Please consider setting your account up to be automatically paid directly from your bank account. 

Benefits of Direct Debit Payments-

  • No check to write
  • No postage for you to mail the payment
  • No postage for the Sewer Fund to mail the coupon book
  • Avoid late fees

The direct debit (ACH) payment of your monthly sewer obligation not only saves you time & money but it will also save on the administrative costs to the Sewer Fund.

If interested in Signing up for ACH payment click here  for an ACH Authorization Form.  Please complete this form and return to Glade Township Sewer Fund, 1285 Cobham Park Rd., Warren PA or email to:

Questions/Interested:  contact Tiffany at 726-2159

NOTICE TO SEWER CUSTOMERS:  Reoccurring maintenance issues with the system.

The township has had to remove items that have clogged the pumps.  The items have been cloth, cloth diapers, feminine hygiene products and/or flushable wipes.  Although these products seem to flush with no problems on your end, they do indeed cause problems with the municipal sewer system.

We kindly ask that you do not flush any items in your household that may cause issues as stated above.  Please understand that an increase in maintaining the sewer system may result in an increase in the customer monthly sewer charge.

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